Moving Science Forward
A breakthrough for earlier, less restrictive interventions that matches current best practices.
The Albutrix series accomplished several firsts that benefit you as a patient trying to get better.
✔ Patent pending magnesium keto analogs and magnesium/calcium blends to comply with 2020 guidance to reduce risks for stage 3 and 4 patients.
✔ Lowest nitrogen content of any protein food or supplement for kidney patients.
✔ Lowest calcium content of any keto analog protein food or supplement.
✔ Albutrix also acts as a phosphorus binder.
✔ Albutrix is the only keto analog that is part of an integrated strategy to lower workload on your kidneys.
✔ Albutrix is the only keto analog that allows you to choose options based on your current blood tests so you always have access to the right keto acid or protein food.
✔ Albutrix is low glycemic and diabetic friendly; other options list high glycemic ingredients like sugars/starches like maltodextrin as the main ingredient.
✔ Albutrix is the only keto analog to follow guidelines from the National Kidney Foundation, American Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, and guidance from over 20 countries when combined with the Stopping Kidney Disease Diet and Microtrix.
✔ Albutrix is the only keto acid for kidney patients that lists nitrogen, calcium, magnesium, and dietary protein equivalents on the label so patients/caregivers can plan their diets accurately.
✔ Albutrix allows patients to consume more calories and dietary protein each day with the same or lower nitrogen load as other options.
All products are made in the USA in FDA-registered facilities.